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The association dedicated exclusively to the education, development and growth of young adolescents


Story Telling - The Heart of Middle Years

We learn by story telling. We know that story telling inspires our students. Stories also inspire educators to be and do better.

The Australian Journal of Middle Schooling is a space for teachers and leaders in the middle years to share their story of teaching adolescents. It is also a window into middle years education in other schools.

Ideas for story telling:

  • A reflection on your passion for the middle years
  • A highlight of how you have used a piece of middle years research in your practice.
  • A description of your middle years Success Story - something you are proud of.
  • A co-written story with your middle years students,
  • A reflection on leading in the middle years.
  • An insight into how your school has addressed an aspect of the Adolescent Success Position Paper - Educators, Adolescents. Place and Pedagogy.

It doesn't take much. Think of what you are proud of and be proud to share it.

If you are a bit unsure of writing an article for a published journal we will help you. Just get in contact with our Journal Editor, Tim Smith at

More information about contributing to the Australian Journal of Middle Schooling.

Read the Latest Edition here: Volume 23 # 2. December 2023


Volume 14 #1
May 2014
Volume 14 #2
November 2014 
Volume 15 #1
June 2015
Volume 15 #2
November 2015
Volume 16 #1
May 2016
Volume 16 #2
December 2016
Volume 17 #1
May 2017
Volume 17 #2
December 2017
Volume 18 #1
May 2018
Volume 18 #2
November 2018
Volume 19 #1
July 2019
Volume 19 #2
December 2019
Volume 20 #1
December 2020
Volume 21 #1
June 2021
Volume 21 #2
November 2021
Volume 22 #1
June 2022 
Volume 22 #2
November 2022 
Volume 23 #1
June 2023
 Volume 23 #2
December 2023

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