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The association dedicated exclusively to the education, development and growth of young adolescents


Our brand Ambassadors are experts in their fields. They represent the values of Adolescent Success through their work and contributors to the community and young adolescents. We are very proud to be associated with such a talented and group of experts.

We encourage you to engage with them and use their skills in your schools. They will all welcome any enquiry you make with regards to education. Keep your eye out for opportunities to hear them speaking at our Regional and National events.

Stephanie Simpson

Stephanie Simpson is the Chief Executive Officer of the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE). Based in the United States, AMLE is the world's largest and oldest professional association dedicated to helping middle school educators cultivate the potential and possibilities of young adolescents. Under her leadership, AMLE spearheaded an international research project to study implementation of middle grades best practices across diverse school types and implemented a comprehensive revision of its landmark position paper on best practice in the middle grades. 

A passionate advocate for student empowerment, she is particularly proud of initiating AMLE's Middle School Student Sound Off Contest, a world-wide celebration of student voice that occurs each March during Middle Level Education Month. 

Andrew Fuller

As a clinical psychologist,  Andrew Fuller works with many schools and communities in Australia and internationally, specialising in the wellbeing of young people and their families. He is a Fellow of the Department of Psychiatry and the Department of Learning and Educational Development at the University of Melbourne.

Professor Donna Pendergast

Professor Donna Pendergast is Dean and Head of the School of Education and Professional Studies at Griffith University. Her research expertise is educational transformation and efficacy, with a focus on: middle year’s education and student engagement; initial and professional teacher education; and school reform.

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